Noob Blogger

Wednesday, November 02, 2016 Umm Khadeejah 4 Comments

I was quite surprised at the show of interest I got after posting up this blog link on my Facebook profile. I really didn't think anyone would give a hoot but alhamdulillah I appreciate it, though it may be just a few, the show of support motivated me to get on with it and write my next entry!

I was going back and forth on what topic to start with cos there are so many things I wanna talk about. But then I was distracted with how my blog looked and well, being a designer I just had to do something about it. While trying to look for a nicer template I realized how much of a noob I am to this whole blogging thing cos these days it's way more professional looking than how it was like, 10 years ago! Which by the way, was the last time I blogged. I had a lot to express when I was 15 too but mostly just emo teenage girl stuff (you really don't wanna know). Don't bother looking it up though cos it no longer exists on the Internet. 

So anyway, the blog design is still under construction so please bear with me. The buttons on the main menu still isn't working cos I don't have content just yet but I've got some topics up there that inshaAllah will be the main focus of this blog. So here's a little tour: I've got 'mummyhood', which will be all things mum and baby related such as pregnancy & labour, cloth diapering (yes, I'm a CD mama and proud!), baby activities & play, and a 'Top 5' section where I'll share items that are on the top my list for anything like bath essentials to baby snacks. Are you excited yet? I sure am! But wait, there's more!  I also have a page dedicated to DIY cos I love all things DIY and cost-saving so stay tuned for that. Last but not least, will be my reflections on parenthood and faith cos I just think it's necessary to reflect and ponder and go back to what the Quran and Sunnah has taught us. Especially when things get overwhelming or when there are instances that may harbour a valuable lesson and/or reminder for myself and all.

So which topic should I write about first? Pregnancy? Birth story? Cloth diapering? or maybe my Top 5 baby essentials? Help me out and leave a comment below!


  1. Replies
    1. That's definitely on top of the list! hehe coming soon inshaAllah :D

  2. pregnancy/birth story pls! also top 5, also what to prep for the first monthw ith a newborn!

    1. thank you for the suggestions Adriana! those are definitely coming soon inshaAllah ;)
